God begins and ends the Bible with a strong emphasis on creation and is mentioned in most books of the Bible in at least 200 verses. Why is creation so crucial to God and what does research say about its importance now? These are some questions we will cover at the Creation is Crucial conference at Southern Adventist University on October 11/12, 2024. Register and get updates at www.creationcall.org.
The Bible emphasizes the calling people to our Creator (Rev. 14:7) and many other reasons for creation. Some hear about creation at churches a little, but most don’t know good scientific reasons why creation is true, or its impact on life and relationships. This problem is now the #1 cause of loss of faith (see research in #3), but when people know good evidence for creation, it strengths faith, empowers evangelism and missions, as well as improving relationships, and helps solve scientific/engineering problems. Many scholars also testify that creation principles are the foundation of principles of science and freedom and keep societies safe and free. We live in a wonderful time because the evidence for creation is so strong that many intellectuals/scientists have been convinced of creation/ID from scientific evidence first and then became Christian.
This conference will have speakers like pastor Ty Gibson, Dr. Philip Samaan, Dr. Philossaint, professor Billingy and Dr. Sernaque sharing why creation is crucial, why it’s a foundation for justice, moral laws and high quality relationships. Scientists like Dr. Hill/Spencer, Dr. Menzmer, Dr. Caviness and Dr. Thavamani will share amazing and powerful evidence for creation from biology, chemistry and physics. Dr. Alférez will share how AI/technology gives strong evidence for creation and can be useful in various ways in our lives and to help share creation truths.
There will also be live exotic animals from Creature Features, nature hikes with guides to point out evidence for creation firsthand, Creation mentors to help you improve your witness for creation and much more! Don’t miss this Creation is Crucial conference! This creation conference will give you powerful insights into how creation affects almost every topic than any you have ever experienced!
Here are 7 brief reasons Creation is Crucial. But there are many more.
1) BIBLE: God teaches creation truth all over the Bible, calls people “Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the springs of water.” (Rev. 14:7, 4:11), in a time of deceptions about creation/the flood (2 Peter 3:3-5). He gives us vast scientific knowledge to help us show His truths (Daniel 12:4) and aid evangelism (Acts 17:24-28), fight injustice (Luke 4:18-19) and solve real problems.
In this street interview, Ray Comfort uses creation science reasons from design to convince an atheist in just a few minutes that a Creator God must exist and is worthy of belief.
How To EASILY Prove God To An Atheist
2) ELLEN WHITE: God has revealed that creation is “proof [of] the God of Israel (4 SP p. 281), Darwinism “ tends to infidelity.”Ed, p. 227 “and “strikes directly at the foundation of the fourth commandment” CE p. 190
3) RESEARCH: Several research studies say that false claims of abiogenesis/Darwinism are now the #1 top factor causing loss of faith while knowing evidence for fine tuning and complex design in creation strengthens faith and evangelism![1] This and other research are major reasons why Southern Adventist University in conjunction with the High Point Chinese SDA church organized this Creation is Crucial conference. It will be very valuable to strengthen people’s bold witness for our Creator and answer questions!
4) JUSTICE/SAFETY: Creation’s intrinsic equality[2] has been a crucial factor in inspiring Jews/Christians to pioneer nearly all major advances in human rights which have brought many to belief in God. It is also crucial for safety in society.
In stark contrast, many psychologists like Dr. Michelle Maiese say that the first step to committing abuse, crimes and atrocities is thinking others are inferior[3]. This is intrinsic to Darwinism and many professors acknowledge that Darwinism increases racism, economic injustice, crime, and atrocities by governments too.[4] Stephen Jay Gould a leading Marxist Darwinian Harvard professor said that due to Darwinism, “Biological arguments for racism…increased by orders of magnitude.” Dr. Richard Weikart at California State University, Stanislaus, Dr. Agustín Fuentes at Princeton University and others have written that Darwin’s racist and sexist views of humanity were dangerously wrong, that they fundamentally shaped Nazi views and influence much corruption and abuse now. Secular historians Will and Ariel Durant say that no society has “maintain[ed] moral life without the aid of religion.”[5]
So a loving Creator is the strongest possible foundation for justice, morals, purpose and godly people working justice has also been a very powerful force for evangelism in history and now.
5) SCIENCE: We have many great reasons for creation! One is that creationists built the foundations of science and most of its fields while materialistic worldviews cripple science.[6] Many scientists like Dr. Donald L. Ewert say that all their research points to “an intelligent Being who has created us“. Sadly, many people claim that evolution has as much proof as gravity or even that “teaching creationism is child abuse” Lawrence Krauss[7]. But many scientists also say that Darwinism “fails on every level” (Dr. John Sanford, Cornell geneticist, former atheist) and that we have the most powerful reasons for creation now (Dan 12:4, grisda.org, www.creation.com, scienceuprising.com, isgenesishistory.com).
6) ECONOMICS: Darwinism survival of the fittest promotes greed which God says will cause terrible times and is the root of all evil (2 Tim. 3:1,2, 1 Tim. 6:10). Oxford researcher Peter Turchin says many corporate frauds that caused the loss of billions/ trillions of dollars are due to the Darwinian greed is good ideology.[8] This explains why Ellen White urges us to invest in heaven, not corrupt earthly entities. If we educate people about many economic principles rooted in creation, research shows that God’s secrets in creation can dramatically improve financial conditions for communities, SDA members and churches, possibly by hundreds of millions of dollars.[9]
This documentary, “Enron – The Smartest Guy in the Room“ illustrates the devastating impact of Darwinism ( See esp. ~22:00+ and 1:41:00+).
When the Darwinian survival of the fittest, dog eat philosophies was followed, it led to deception and corruption at the highest levels and an environment where traders and others would stomp on others’ throats in a heartbeat to get ahead. The top goal was greed/making money above anything else, including ethics. In the end, these were some of the results3 :
· Most of Enron’s 21,000 workers and up to 85,000 at Arthur Anderson (the accounting firm that OK’d Enron’s fraudulent accounting) lost their jobs, doing serious damage to 1000s of families.
· Employees lost $1 billion in retirement funds. Retirees lost $2 billion in pension funds. Its shareholders lost ~$74 billion.
· Many executives were convicted of crime and imprisoned.
· The formerly respected Arthur Anderson accounting company saw their reputation of integrity destroyed, collapsed and closed and most of its 85,000 partners/workers lost their jobs.
· Cliff Baxter committed suicide several weeks after Enron’s bankruptcy because he built his identity on Enron. Several other Enron workers also committed suicide and others went to jail for several years. Ken Lay the CEO was convicted and sentenced to jail for years, but never went. Why? Because the stress caused by his lies and court cases resulted in a heart attack which killed him.
· An iconic example of survival of the fittest was that when top executives knew the end of Enron was near, they kept telling everyone to keep buying Enron stock with their retirement savings and froze withdrawals while they were cashing out millions of dollars because they knew the company was crashing.
7) EVANGELISM & JESUS’ ATONEMENT: Creation is very important to help finish God’s Great Commission. Prof. K.S. Latourette, said that the number of missionaries in China increased by over 4 times in the early 1900s, but the growth of missions was slashed in the 1920s by about 1/2. Why? The rise of evolutionary naturalism and liberal theology.[10] Many atheists focus their attacks on creation because:“evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason Jesus’ earthly life was… necessary…If Jesus was not the redeemer who died for our sins, and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing.”[11]
These are just a few of the very crucial reasons why the 1st angel in Rev. 14 calls people back to worship their Creator who died and resurrected! God’s people have the incredible people to join with their Creator in this crucial work! The High Point church is excited to partner with Southern Adventist University in sponsoring this event, but we need a lot of help from many people to make this the best Creation conference in our SDA history!
INFO: For more info, questions, more reasons creation is crucial, to share ideas, help/volunteer, etc. see creationcall.org, info@creationcall.org or call Bryan Bissell (423-313-3384), the lead organizer.
[1] Grigg, Russell. “The impact of evolution on the missionary evangelization of China.” Creation 34(3):44–46, July 2012. https://creation.com/the-impact-of-evolution-on-the-missionary-evangelization-of-china.
[2] Zimmermann, Agusto. The Christian foundations of the rule of law in the West: a legacy of liberty and resistance against tyranny.” Journal of Creation 19(2):67–73, August 2005. https://creation.com/the-christian-foundations-of-the-rule-of-law-in-the-west-a-legacy-of-liberty-and-resistance-against-tyranny.
[3] Maiese, Michelle and Burgess, Heidi. “Dehumanization”. July 2003, updated in June 2020. https://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/dehumanization.
[4] See https://darwintohitler.com, https://creation.com/stephen-jay-gould-on-racism, https://creation.com/the-darwinian-roots-of-the-nazi-tree-weikart-review, https://creation.com/review-weikart-darwinian-racism.
[5] Durant, Will. The Lessons of History [Durant1968], pg. 43, 51; “On the Meaning of Life” p. 23.
[6] Sarfati, Jonathan. “The Biblical Roots of Modern Science”. September 29 , 2009. creation.com/biblical-roots-of-modern-science.
[7] Bates, Gary. “Teaching creation is child abuse?” February 9, 2017. https://creation.com/teaching-creation-child-abuse.
[8] Turchin, Peter. “Selfish Genes Made Me Do It! (Part I and II)”. December 05, 2013. https://peterturchin.com/cliodynamica/selfish-genes-made-me-do-it-part-i/, https://peterturchin.com/cliodynamica/selfish-genes-made-me-do-it-part-ii.
[9] God tells us to do good first to God’s people, esp. if in need (Gal. 6:10Rom 12:13). Research shows this could add $340 million to SDAs in the USA alone every year. Salguero, Michael. “Why Buying Local is Worth Every Cent“. Nov 24, 2013. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/why-buying-local-is-worth_b_4310520. Winters, Chris. “Shop Here, Not There: Science Says Reducing Inequality Is Almost That Simple” Nov 20, 2017. https://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/solidarity/shop-here-not-there-science-says-reducing-inequality-is-almost-that-simple-20171120. “World Crises, Economic Crashes & Godly Solutions” blog.truth-is-life.org/economics/jubilee-economics/crises-solutions.
[10] Grigg, Russell. “The impact of evolution on the missionary evangelization of China.” Creation 34(3):44–46, July 2012 https://creation.com/the-impact-of-evolution-on-the-missionary-evangelization-of-china.
[11] Bozarth, G. Richard. ‘The Meaning of Evolution’, American Atheist, p. 30, February 1978. https://creation.com/the-atheists-know-why-christianity-has-to-fight-evolution.