Cancer-Ways To Treat It

Cancer has taken the lives of many people. But why? And why did many cultures in history have little or sometimes no cancer?  100 years ago and before, people died mostly from contagious diseases, but now between 60- 85% of deaths from disease are due to lifestyle according to numerous scientists (depending on which scientists you talk to).
“In 1900, the top three causes of death in the United States were pneumonia/influenza, tuberculosis, and diarrhea/enteritis. Communicable diseases accounted for about 60 percent of all deaths. In 1900, heart disease and cancer were ranked number four and eight respectively. Since the 1940s, the majority of deaths in the United States have resulted from heart disease, cancer, and other degenerative diseases. And, by the late 1990s, degenerative diseases accounted for more than 60 percent of all deaths.[13] (see also:

Science is showing that just 4-5 healthy lifestyle factors — never smoking, reducing/avoiding alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and following a healthy diet — could reduce the risk of getting the most common and deadly chronic diseases by ~80%.

Why has there been such a drastic change in diseases? Most problems in life have their root in greed (1 Tim. 6:10) and this one does too. Many corporations want to sell addictive food to make fast profits, but this kind of fast food also is a major factor in many diseases.

Fast food, Fat profits Obesity in America

Doctors have helped people beat cancer in some cases. But for decades they were largely fighting the symptoms and not the major causes of the cancer. The medical field has made a great deal of progress from the crude early-mid 1900s treatments. But it’s still much wiser to focus a great deal of attention on fighting the cause of the cancer as well as using modern medicine to fight the disease itself. Combining both concepts is almost always much more effective. Below are some ideas, sites and contact information for people and doctors who have helped people successfully beat cancer and other diseases.

1st, I would suggest you check out the Moss reports. Dr. Moss reviews different claims about cancer treatments with very thorough objectivity and considers both conventional and alternative and lifestyle based approaches, following the best evidence available while avoiding bias.
“Ralph Moss performs a great service for those who want to know more about cancer, which includes a vast number of people both at present and likely long into the future.”–Prof. Peter Pedersen, PhD, Department of Biological Chemistry, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University

His website says:
“Ralph W. Moss, PhD also offers individualized phone consultations of one-hour length on the best treatment choices, personalized to the patient’s unique situation.”

If doctors (using chemo and drug therapy I assume) have given up on you or the one you care about who has cancer, and even if they have, I strongly recommend radically changing your diet and lifestyle to the way God designed us to live. This has been the most effective way to beat cancer throughout history. God gives simple ways that work extremely well.  2 programs that do this are Newstart and Hallelujah Acres. NewStart is a program that has helped 1000s of people to beat cancer. Hallelujah Acres is another one and it has many testimonies by people who have beaten many kinds of cancer. Both have been very successful because they focus on changing lifestyles to help people align with God’s diet and lifestyle and in most cases the main cause of cancer is discarding God’s lifestyle for the modern junkfood, sedentary lifestyle.

There are quite a few people who doctors gave up on, but who changed their diet radically back to God’s original diet and were able to beat the cancer (see the links below).  Doctors are not to blame in most cases.  They really want to heal people.  But, many doctors (especially in the past) didn’t even take one class in nutrition or diet or natural methods of disease prevention or things like that.  The universities and mainline textbooks almost exclusively focused on drug therapy (this is according to the testimony of numerous doctors who were frustrated that normal methods of medicine were in many cases very ineffective and mostly focused on stopping the symptoms rather than the cause).  There has been in recent decades though more of an interest in prevention and of using natural remedies to cure diseases and that’s good to see. There are also quite a few very innovative techniques being developed that are able to pinpoint the cancer cells and attack them directly and specifically without much change to the surrounding tissue. These may do a lot to make cancer curable in the future.

I’ve been reading on health and cancer areas for decades, esp. after a friend got cancer and died and once in a while my students tell me that loved ones of their have cancer. Below are some things I would try if I got cancer.

I pray that these will be helpful and that your loved one will recover. It’s critical to follow the diet principles of God and others listed in the Bible and given to Ellen White as a first step.  God doesn’t usually do miracles for us if we ignore His instructions. After you have followed them, pray for the Great Healer to give your doctors wisdom and to add His power to beat the sickness that has caught you or your loved ones.


There are many people talking about how to cure cancer. Here are ideas that may be useful to consider.

1) PRAYER/FOLLOW GOD’S ADVICE: It’s important to get the best advice. First of all, ask God for guidance in prayer to find wise solutions in the Bible and from medical experts and if it’s His will, a miracle. Learn about health principles God advocates and that have helped other people beat the disease you have. Follow them carefully.

There is also wisdom in having many counselors since no one person knows everything. I would highly recommend consulting doctors who have gone through both traditional education and are very knowledgeable about preventative medicine/natural therapies.


There are 2 great sites with specific suggestions on how to beat cancer with a good lifestyle and diet:


Here’s the diet that has helped 1000s beat many cancers and diseases. This is just the first part. More details for what to do each day at different times are on the site:
Here are some testimonies of people who had various diseases. Their ideas might help you.

60 Days to Eliminate Sickness

The 60 Days to Reclaim Your Health program is a culmination of Hallelujah Acres’ best seminars, classes, and publications. It’s a powerhouse of information with more detail and personal instruction than any program we have ever offered.

C) My father found this sit about a youngChris was a young man who shockingly got cancer at 26. He tells his story about how he beat cancer with many helpful insights and helpful references from science.  He has developed a course to treat cancer based on his own healing experience, plus 13 years of research learning from doctors, experts, survivors who’ve healed naturally, and from personally coaching hundreds of cancer patients one-on-one. I’ve taken the best, most powerful, most effective healing strategies that I’ve seen work for the most people, and integrated them into a comprehensive straightforward program that you can implement immediately. SQUARE ONE is exactly where you need to start.

An intro is here:

The first module is here:

D) CURCUMIN/TURMERIC/SPICES: Both of these have been cited as very effective in fighting cancer.

These four cancer-fighting spices have powerful health benefits and were part of my daily regimen to beat cancer without chemo. Turmeric contains the powerful cancer-fighting polyphenol Curcumin. Curcumin has been clinically shown to inhibit growth of various cancer cells including: Bone Cancer, Breast Cancer, Brain Tumors, Colon, Liver, Pancreatic, Stomach, Bladder, Kidney, Prostate, Leukemia, Ovarian, Melanoma, and more!
See also:

There are some Newstart sites in Korean.  You can find several sites on this in Korean.  Heres a good place to start, Lee Sang Gu’s site.

A Newstart Doctor from Weimar wrote me this e-mail about a case with pancreatic cancer, but most/all of the principles here can apply to other cancers as well:
”Prognosis with pancreatic cancer is extremely poor. Any “cures” of this if diagnosis is true are miracles.
Protocol for these patients.
**Vegan diet – no meat, fish, poultry, eggs or diary
**Drink 1 liter of freshly made carrot juice daily, 500 ml with breakfast and the rest at lunch
**Eat as much raw food as possible- vegetables etc and fruit
**Cereal grains and potatoes are cooked

Three supplements
**Bromelain 600 mg daily
**CoQ10 225 mg twice a day with food
**Garlinase 4000 – 1 capsule daily

That is the protocol that we usually follow, sometimes we add “fever” therapy to this protocol if the patient is strong enough.

Yours for Better Health,
Clarence S F Ing, MD, MPH & May C Ing, MPH, RD
P O Box 486
Weimar, CA 95736-0486

A friend wrote this about his mother some years ago:
Hello everyone,
I am just requesting prayers for my family at this time. My mother was diagnosed with inoperable cancer in her uterus recently, and we are relying on God to work a miracle if it is His will at this time. When God’s people pray, powerful things will happen, so please put our family (the Marshall’s family) in your prayer rotation.

Thanks much, and God bless you all,

I wrote to Geoffrey that I have had a couple friends die of cancer at young ages and a friend’s mother too, but also know some people who have beat cancer.

This is the solution that helped his mother beat and survive the inoperable cancer. She tried eating lots of natural/fresh fruits and vegetables (esp. in juiced form) as recommended by the SDA doctor above.  By following his ideas, she recovered from the cancer and is doing well. Geoffrey wrote about what happened:
The main thing that she did was to go on a 100% natural juices plan, from local vegetables and juices. She went to a facility operated by Earl Chong and his wife
            (see ) and came back following the same routine there.  She is up and about, no swelling or nausea, and she is still on the natural diet that  got her going again, thank God.

Here are the important parts of some letters from Drs. Chong and contact information (and at the end is an article in a newspaper about him):
Dear Mr. Bissell:
Thank you for the enquiry regarding the healing/reversal of cancer.

My husband and I are health missionaries, and will travel to any part of the world to spread God’s Word regarding his healing power.  Our program is consistent with the concepts shared in Ellen G. White’s MINISTRY OF HEALING.  God can reverse any illness because He made us and so He can fix us.  He works by the principles laid down in His word.  We have had quite a few reversals of brain cancer using this program.

The analysis can be done via internet and telephone , and the relevant program given.  I would love to discuss this via telephone.  My international line is (786)363-8601 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting   (786)363-8601end_of_the_skype_highlighting; Home is 876-944-3075; office 876-920-7009, and Message (876)803-1882.

Our area of research is orthomolecular Nutrition and Psychiatry, and so we approach the healing process at the cellular level, with special emphasis on strengthening the immune system so that God’s marvelous self-healing body can operate at its optimum.

To answer your questions directly I would say that the stage or severity of the illness make no difference to the possibility of total reversal because God is the healer – whether the intervention is medical, alterative, Herbal or none at all.  We design a program according to God’s specific directive which  is consistent with His original program for regenerating us.  It is based on God’s way of keeping  our self-healing bodies functioning as He designed them to function.  We use Immunology and Cellular Cleansing as the basis for all disease reversal and within 24 hours there has to be measurable improvement.

I am unable to give more information at this time as I have an up-coming assignment to prepare for;  However you may get more information from my web-site, or  .

May you experience God’s Abundant Life of health, wealth, peace, love and joy every moment of every day!

Our program has had 100% success rateings once the client follows it 100%… remember it is God’s plan and He cannot fail. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Dr. Sherrill Chong, B.Min; M.A; D.C.C


Avoid food that is fried, sweetened, fermented/pickled, heavily salted, processed, etc. Also avoid white foods such as sugar, milk, salt, white flour, white rice, etc.

Sanjay Gupta reports on new research showing that beyond weight gain, sugar can take a serious toll on your health, worsening conditions ranging from heart disease to cancer.

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Read this article, “Is Sugar Toxic?” about how scientists have found that sugar contributes to causing quite a bit of cancer.

AVOID MILK: Read: (this site has many studies citing cancer dangers from milk).




  • “Nothing will benefit human health or increase the chances for survival of life on earth as the evolution(change) to a vegetarian diet.” – Albert Einstein
  • Nearly 1.4 million Americans are disabled, then killed prematurely each year by heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases that have been linked conclusively with consumption of animal products. U.S. National Center for Health Statistics
  • The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile accidents combined. Neal Barnard, M.D.  President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
  • A Vegetarian Diet can prevent 90-97% of heart disease.  JAMA, 1961
  • All new infectious diseases of human beings to emerge in the past 20 years have had an animal source. Lancet, 24 January 2004, 363(9405):257
  • Meat-based illnesses cost the U.S. tens of billions of dollars in additional health care costs, and even more in lost productivity and the depletion of the Earths natural capital.
  • By far the most surprising factwas that Seventh Day Adventists outlived their fellow Americans by about 10 years. What are they doing?  Quite simply, they have a religion that reinforces positive health behaviors.  David McClain  (SDAs dont smoke, drink alcohol, are often vegetarian and worship every Sabbath in church) from video Quest for Longevity, National Geographic Magazine,
  • Paul McCartney explains,  “If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That’s the single most important thing you could do. It’s staggering when you think about it. Vegetarianism takes care of so many things in one shot: ecology, famine, cruelty.”

A) Consider Hydrogen Peroxide (helps increase the body’s ability to heal itself):

B) Take vitamin B17 treatments (and also look into essiac, another natural cancer remedy that has helped cure many patients. More below on that.

Several other good ones as well. Will be added later.***


These are some of the best books to buy on health issues:
1) Proof Positive by Dr. Neil Nedley: This is an incredible book with over 1,000 peer reviewed references backing up all it says (and backing up the foundational principles of the Bible and Ellen White)

See a couple of Dr. Nedleys videos on cancer here:

2) Pathlights is a free home remedies book with treatments for cancer. A medical professor friend of mine gave this to me as a very useful book to assist in being health in many ways. Here’s the section on cancer.

Bill Doyle: Treating cancer with electric fields  (very effective one that is working already on people)

Dr. Burzynkski has developed some very effective treatments that have peer reviewed research backing them up.

William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer?

Teen working at Stanford on a new cure for cancer.

The Kanzius Machine:P;lst;7

David Agus: A new strategy in the war against cancer

Deborah Rhodes: A tool that finds 3x more breast tumors, and why it’s not available to you

 A Japanese vegetable soup that many have said helps with many diseases and sicknesses (note that Tataeshi isn't a certified doctor, however a famous real doctor I teach English to has tried this and recommends it highly. It helped clean out quite a few toxins in his body when he tried it for a few weeks. He felt a lot better. I tried it a couple times and it didn't do much for me...but the doctor is a smoker and a drinker and I'm maybe that's the difference.)

Some experiences with it
Earl Chong’s life-giving diet
published: Sunday | December 4, 2005

– Photos by Carlington Wilmot/Freelance Photographer
Twelve years ago, Earl Chang (left) was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. Today he is disease free.

Avia Ustanny, Outlook Writer

JAMAICAN EARL CHONG will be 66 on his next birthday in 2006. But, according to the records of doctors both here and in Miami, he should have been dead long ago. He should have died and been buried twelve years ago.

The death certificate for this man was all but written in 1994 when he was diagnosed with cancer of the throat and then cancer of the prostate at age 53.

One year before Chong received this appalling diagnosis, another man, 53-year-old Earl Findlay also woke up to the realisation that his life was at risk.

This man was 280 pounds and heading for a heart attack, he felt.

Findlay and Chong both would have almost certainly been dead today, they say, had they not experienced the miracle that changing their diet could bring.

According to Chong, god healed him from cancer and also directed him to radically change his diet after an initial juice fast which left him a new man.

Findlay himself made the decision to become a vegetarian and, since doing so, has become a convert of Earl Chong who is the owner of Earl’s Juice Garden restaurants and health food stores in Kingston.

On the day we visited the Juice Garden on Derrymore Road, Earl Findlay had his favourite lunch of steamed lettuce, seaweed and bulgar. For breakfast, he said, he had a ‘raw’ meal of split peas in Soya milk, mixed with flaxseed and oats.

According to Findlay, dinner would be couscous, bulgar and steamed lettuce, with some tofu in garlic sauce. Added to this diet was the 16 ounces of ‘green juice’ which he has everyday.

All of this he does, following the counsel of Earl Chong who is the apostle of raw food in Kingston. Findlay is one among followers who number in the dozens.

The beginning

Chong recalls how it all began: After three months at Baptist Hospital in Miami, getting treatment for cancer of the throat, he was told that the cancer had spread to his chest.

“I came home ready to die,” Chong recalls. But, he prayed and said he was healed, only to be diagnosed with cancer of the prostate three months later.

This time, he went on a strict juice fast for ten days, after which most of the symptoms went away. The drink was carrot, barley green and callaloo.

The day the doctors declared him free of cancer was the start of a whole new life for him. For others, it has meant a new movement which has also given them a new lease on life.

Earl Findlay, who now weighs 180 pounds, and runs five miles every morning, admits that he has not been able to convert his family to his way of living. But, he has become adept at cooking his meals himself.

According to Chong, he believes in whole foods eaten mostly raw. The body can heal itself with the right inputs, he explains.

Eight hours to digest

One of the secrets of his diet, he says, is that cooked food takes at least eight hours to digest, blocking the digestive system. When every meal consists of cooked food, the system struggles with this burden day after day. Meat, itself, he adds, takes 72 hours to digest.

Raw foods such as fruits and vegetables, however, exit the system in four hours or much less time.

Never eat cooked food without a significant amount of raw food to go with it, Earl Chong advises. He also counsels that certain foods and fruits should not be mixed, as some are acidic and some are alkaline.

He also states that green plants are a better source of protein than meats, making the point that we need much less protein than is generally believed. The proportion of protein in the diet, which is necessary, is four per cent he asserts.

Finally, he states that in nature, herb-eating animals like the elephant are much stronger than meat-eating ones. Man should follow their example, he believes.

One thought on “Cancer-Ways To Treat It

  • 14. October 2017 at 13:34

    I am a missionary who is a breast cancer survivor. Am trying to get to your website for information concerning the classes at Tarrant Baptist Church tomorrow. Can be reached at 438-3338 , it’s also WhatsApp

    Blessings and Shalom


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